1. Accept rules
  2. Your details
  3. Confirm email
  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the edumasto.org moderators.

  1. EduMasto is a Mastodon server whose primary purpose is to facilitate conversation about higher education issues, but conversations are not limited to that topic: feel free to share your thoughts on any topic of your choosing.
  2. Because our goal is to promote civil and productive conversations among real people, only personal (i.e., no organizational or corporate) accounts for individuals (i.e., no anonymous accounts or bots) will be approved.
  3. This server is intended as a platform for individuals professionally involved in higher ed policy. Please use “Why do you want to join?” to help us identify you. If using Gmail/etc., please include your university/govt/work email in your response
  4. This will be an inclusive online community: all higher education policy stakeholders, including colleagues in other countries, are welcome to join.
  5. Please be mindful of the fact this is an experiment and we don't know how sustainable or successful it will be. If it works, you can enjoy a more civilized local timeline while retaining full access to the entire Mastodon network. If it doesn't, you can always move your account to another server.
  6. PLEASE use your FULL NAME as the display name in your profile. We want people to get to know each other and odd handles and anonymity don't promote that.